STACK Poised to Eclipse the Competition with New AI Assist Functionality

First Wave of Automation to Be Powered by New Integration Partner Workpack

Cincinnati, OH – April 8, 2024

STACK Construction Technologies, an industry-leading cloud-based construction software platform, announced the launch of STACK Assist, its newest Artificial Intelligence functionality automating takeoff tools for contractors. The new component will first incorporate floor plan focused utility, powered by leading AI software and new integration partner, Workpack. This exciting new development aims to further improve the preconstruction process with increased time-savings, efficiency, and opportunity for business growth.

AI is leading the conversation across the construction industry and as contractors seek new ways to improve efficiency and productivity, they’re turning to automated processes that eliminate the need for time-consuming manual work. STACK Assist uses machine learning to automatically measure floor plan items such as walls, doors, rooms, and symbols. With Workpack’s lightning-fast, automated takeoffs built into the STACK platform, contractors have a time-savings projection of 50-90%. Less time clicking and measuring means more time to focus on evaluating projects, increasing bid output, and winning more profitable projects by leveraging powerful, native software capabilities.

“STACK is in the best position possible to deliver powerful AI functionality because of the data that’s been created and stored in our platform for years,” said Ray DeZenzo, Chief Operations Officer of STACK Construction Technologies. “Like many businesses focused on growth in today’s economy, construction firms need to focus on greater efficiency and more profitable outcomes. Workpack has been an integral partner in our quest to support our customers’ growth initiatives and we are excited about this launch being the first of many capabilities to be enabled via STACK Assist.”

STACK Assist will allow contractors to use measurements specific to the trades they need, and AI will perform takeoff and counts automatically. This time savings allows estimators to focus attention on estimate details to ensure accurate, winning bids. STACK will continue to invest in research and development staff to focus on different ways AI can improve the customer experience while maintaining the highest standards for accuracy.

“We’re excited to partner with STACK to provide customers with AI tools that make their working lives easier and more productive,” said Marty Cornish, CEO and Co-Founder of Workpack. “Workpack’s AI features integrated with STACK’s all-in-one takeoff and estimating functionality gives users a powerful solution for the needs of today’s estimator.”

According to new research by McKinsey & Company, the spread in digital and AI maturity between leaders and laggards has increased by 60%. STACK customer Carrara, Inc., a Southern California based commercial stone, tile, and facade system contractor, is an early adopter of STACK Assist and has already seen a profound impact on business with the acceleration tool.

“Having leveraged STACK’s takeoff and estimating software for several years, we saw immediate value in utilizing their new, innovative AI functionality,” said William Cordova Jr., Vice President of Estimating and Preconstruction at Carrara. “As a lean company with a large output, the combination of speed, detail, and accuracy matter greatly to us. With shorter durations to bid more complex projects, AI Assist’s clean takeoff lines and generation of reliable, automated output quantities is a substantial time saver on manual data entry and otherwise repetitive takeoff-related tasks. This enhancement to STACK’s already powerful suite of tools will certainly help make us more efficient, increase our bid output, and close more projects.”


Interested? Join us on Wednesday, April 17 at 2 p.m. ET, where we’ll be discussing the implications of AI in construction as well as demonstrating the power of STACK Assist.

Please contact Darcie Burroughs at to book interviews and for more information about STACK and this release.

Acerca de STACK Construction Technologies

Desde la evaluación del proyecto hasta su finalización, los contratistas utilizan STACKpara gestionar su negocio y maximizar sus beneficios. Nuestras soluciones de preconstrucción permiten realizar estimaciones y consultas rápidas y precisas en medida , además de proporcionar un punto centralizado donde almacenar, evaluar, medir y compartir planos, especificaciones y otros documentos de construcción. Nuestras soluciones de construcción potencian la colaboración en tiempo real sobre el terreno y en los proyectos, ya que permiten a los equipos revisar, anotar, comparar y compartir planos de forma rápida y sencilla, en cualquier lugar y desde cualquier dispositivo. STACKLas herramientas de colaboración de calidad superior de BIM mejoran en última instancia los resultados de los proyectos y la rentabilidad de los contratistas.

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