STACK Live Construction: Optimize Project Management & Privacy with SmartUse Layers


SmartUse layers allow teams to better view and analyze plans with multiple annotations and users. Permissions options also enable specific layers and annotations to be shared with only the appropriate stakeholders, protecting data privacy and improving efficiency by helping teams to narrow their focus on only those items that pertain to their role. In this session, we’ll walk through best practices for layers, including: 

Icône_Chèque vert Creating a layer
Icône_Chèque vert Editing layers
Icône_Chèque vert Creating a folder layer
Icône_Chèque vert Adding an annotation on a layer
Icône_Chèque vert Hiding and showing layers
Icône_Chèque vert Sharing layers
Icône_Chèque vert Et plus encore !

Watch this informative session to learn how SmartUse layers can help your team!


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