Cloud-Based Roofing Software for Contractors ​

STACK empowers roofers from preconstruction to construction. Save time, improve accuracy, and bid more projects in preconstruction. Our jobsite tools increase productivity & reduce risk during construction. 

How Our Estimating & Construction Management Software for Roofers Works

STACKL'interface conviviale du pour les équipes de préconstruction et de construction permet à votre équipe de travailler mieux travailler ensemble.


Gagnez du Temps

Votre processus de préconception pourrait-il être plus rapide ? Votre personnel de bureau et vos équipes sur le terrain sont-ils synchronisés ?

Atteignez votre But

Avez-vous confiance dans vos estimations ? Votre équipe tient-elle des registres précis ?

Couvrez vos Actifs

Êtes-vous exposé au risque de surenchère ou de sous-enchère ? Êtes-vous couvert en cas de litige ?


Des estimations plus rapides et plus précises


Collaborer et réduire les risques

Benefits of STACK’s Cloud Roofing Contractor Software

STACK’s cloud-based roofing software offers several benefits for roofing contractors and companies: 

One of the primary advantages is accessibility. Our cloud-based roofing software can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, allowing you to manage your roofing projects on-site, at the office, or even from home.

STACK’s roofing software enables real-time collaboration among team members. Multiple users can access and update project information simultaneously, facilitating seamless communication and coordination.

Our cloud-based solutions often offer scalability, allowing you to adjust your usage based on your needs. Whether it’s managing a single project or multiple projects simultaneously, the software can scale up or down as required.

STACK’s cloud-based software eliminates the need for expensive hardware and IT infrastructure, reducing overall costs.

STACK roofing software is regularly updated, ensuring that you have access to the latest features, security patches, and enhancements without any manual intervention.

Our cloud-based roofing software comes with robust security measures, including data encryption, regular backups, and access controls, to protect sensitive information such as client data, project plans, and financial records.

STACK can integrate with other business tools and applications such as accounting software, CRM systems, and project management tools, streamlining workflows and reducing duplication of effort. Learn more about our partnerships and integrations.

By centralizing project data and automating repetitive tasks, our cloud-based roofing software can improve operational efficiency, allowing you to focus more on delivering quality workmanship and excellent customer service.

Ultimately, the use of cloud-based roofing software can contribute to improved customer satisfaction by enabling you to deliver projects more efficiently, accurately, and transparently. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and positive referrals, driving business growth.


Voyez ce que les clients de STACK disent:

Pleins feux sur les clients

Découvrez pourquoi CentiMark, le plus grand entrepreneur de toitures industrielles d'Amérique, a choisi STACK comme partenaire en matière de préconditionnement.

"L'architecture ouverte unique deSTACK's offre à CentiMark la flexibilité nécessaire pour connecter les données et rationaliser les flux de travail.

What Is Online Roofing Contractor Software?

Online roofing contractor software encompasses a variety of specialized tools designed to streamline various aspects of roofing projects, from initial assessments to project completion. Roofing software offers a range of features to assist contractors in managing their projects efficiently and effectively.

Numérique prises de mesures

One of the key functionalities of online roofing contractor software is performing digital takeoffs. Digital takeoffs involve the measurement and estimation of materials needed for a roofing project. Instead of relying on manual measurements and calculations, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors, digital takeoff tools allow contractors to input project specifications and generate accurate material lists quickly. By utilizing digital imagery, these tools can analyze roof dimensions, angles, and other relevant factors to provide precise measurements. 

Estimation détaillée

Roofing contractor software often includes features for creating detailed estimates. Contractors can input project parameters such as material costs, labor expenses, overhead, and profit margins to generate comprehensive estimates for clients. These estimates can be customized based on various factors such as roof type, size, complexity, and desired materials. Additionally, some software platforms integrate pricing databases, allowing contractors to access up-to-date pricing information and ensure the accuracy of their estimates. 

Gestion de Projet

In addition to digital takeoffs and estimates, there are options for roofing contractor software that provide project management tools to facilitate collaboration, scheduling, and communication among team members. Contractors can use these tools to assign tasks, track progress, and monitor project timelines. Some software solutions also include customer relationship management (CRM) features, enabling contractors to manage client information, track interactions, and generate proposals and contracts. 

Connectivity & Collaboration

Our roofing contractor software platform is cloud-based, allowing users to access and update project information from anywhere with an internet connection. This enhances flexibility and enables real-time collaboration among project stakeholders, including contractors, clients, suppliers, and subcontractors. 


Overall, online roofing contractor software plays a crucial role in improving efficiency, accuracy, and productivity in the roofing industry. By automating tasks such as digital takeoffs and estimates and providing robust project management capabilities, these tools empower contractors to deliver high-quality roofing projects on time and within budget. 

FAQs About Web-Based Roof Contractor Software

Key features typically include takeoff capabilities, including aerial imagery, estimating and bidding, material pricing database, communication and collaboration tools, reporting, and integrations with accounting software and other major platforms. 

Roofing contractor software can streamline your operations, improve efficiency, reduce errors, enhance customer communication, centralize project information, and ultimately increase profitability. 

STACK’s roofing contractor software solutions offer customization options to tailor the software to your specific business requirements, such as adding custom fields, workflows, and integrations with other tools. 

The ease of use can vary depending on the software. STACK’s roofing contractor software solutions are designed with user-friendly interfaces and intuitive workflows to minimize the learning curve for users. 

Customer support offerings can vary. STACK’s roofing contractor software offers various support channels such as phone, email, live chat, a robust online help center, detailed training videos, and one-on-one training to assist users with any questions or issues you encounter. 

Roofing contractors of any size can use and benefit from adopting a web-based roofing software into your tech stack. If you’re a small business, roofing software frees up hours of time for the people on your team so they can spend more time in the field getting the job done.  

If you’re scaling your business or have already grown significantly, roofing software can help your team collaborate and communicate better, hone your strategy, and improve your workflows to deliver stronger results and higher profits. 

The primary types of roofing software include takeoff and estimating software and project management software. Roofing contractors may also use accounting software, inspection tools, customer relationship management platforms, and design software. 

Both our preconstruction and construction phase roofing software tools are available to try for free, so you can instantly get a feel for the platform! Start performing takeoffs or communicating in the field right away. Once you purchase a plan, we have expert trainers available to help you get up and running, no experience needed. 

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