The Commercial Roofing Takeoff & Estimating software you’ve been looking for!

Installing a pitched or flat roof requires the right tools, and so does completing the project estimate. STACK’s cloud-based roof takeoff and estimating software will save you valuable time and minimize costly errors.

Créez des devis de toiture rapides et précis avec le logiciel STACK's cloud.

STACK est facile à utiliser et entièrement personnalisable pour les entrepreneurs en couverture. Exploitez les outils de mesure et de collaboration leaders du secteur, ajoutez les coûts de main-d'œuvre, les déchets, les taxes et la marge bénéficiaire pour terminer vos calculs et faire une offre de qualité professionnelle.


Rapide, précis prises de mesures

Déterminez rapidement les zones de toiture en quelques clics de souris.


Parfait pour tout type de toit

Créez des devis pour les toits en pente ou les toits plats, quel que soit le type de matériau.

Compatible avec les formats PDF, TIFF et Google Earth

Mesurez à partir de plans numériques ou importez et utilisez facilement des images de Google Earth.

Matériaux préfabriqués et personnalisés

Tirez parti d'une bibliothèque d'éléments et de systèmes de couverture ou ajoutez vos propres matériaux personnalisés.


Voyez ce que les clients de STACK disent:

Pleins feux sur les clients

Découvrez comment STACK aide Nast Roofing à augmenter son taux de réussite.

"Le gain de temps s'est traduit directement par une augmentation du nombre d'appels d'offres que nous sommes en mesure de lancer, ce qui nous permet de soumissionner davantage et d'obtenir un taux de réussite plus élevé pour les projets que nous remportons".

Important Features of STACK's Roofing Estimating Software

STACK dispositifs

Accès au plan à tout moment et en tout lieu

Since STACK is cloud-based, you’ll be able to access it anytime, from anywhere on any device. You and your entire team can work on the platform from your office, home, job site or anywhere else you have internet. 


Une collaboration sans faille

Increase communication between your team members with STACK. The roofing estimating software has permission controls you can use to grant access to employees, partners and others. Grant them project edit privileges or view-only access. 

Estimations précises


Take advantage of STACK’s user-friendly measuring tools to determine the materials necessary for your roofing project. You can also add labor, overhead and waste costs to finalize your bid proposal. Avoid the risks of doing it by hand. 


Organisation du document

With STACK, organizing your project documents is easier than ever. Using STACK roofing takeoff software, you’ll be able to store all your files in a single location for easy access. 

Benefits of STACK’s Roof Takeoff Software

One of the primary advantages is accessibility. Our cloud-based roofing software can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, allowing you to manage your roofing projects on-site, at the office, or even from home.

STACK’s roofing software enables real-time collaboration among team members. Multiple users can access and update project information simultaneously, facilitating seamless communication and coordination.

Our cloud-based solutions often offer scalability, allowing you to adjust your usage based on your needs. Whether it’s managing a single project or multiple projects simultaneously, the software can scale up or down as required.

Our cloud-based roofing software comes with robust security measures, including data encryption, regular backups, and access controls, to protect sensitive information such as client data, project plans, and financial records.

STACK can integrate with other business tools and applications such as accounting software, CRM systems, and project management tools, streamlining workflows and reducing duplication of effort. Learn more about our partnerships and integrations.

By centralizing project data and automating repetitive tasks, our cloud-based roofing software can improve operational efficiency, allowing you to focus more on delivering quality workmanship and excellent customer service.

What Is Roofing Estimating & Takeoff Software?

Roofing estimating and takeoff software is a specialized tool designed to help professionals in the roofing industry accurately estimate the materials, costs, and labor required for a roofing project. It streamlines the process of measuring roofs, generating estimates, and creating proposals by using digital tools and advanced calculations.  

With this software, you can input various parameters such as roof dimensions, pitch, materials, and labor costs to generate detailed estimates quickly and efficiently. Additionally, it often includes features like customizable templates, integration with pricing databases, and the ability to generate professional reports and proposals. Overall, roofing estimating and takeoff software can greatly improve accuracy, speed, and productivity in the estimation process, ultimately leading to more successful and profitable roofing projects. 

Roofing Takeoff Software

Commercial roofing software employs advanced digital tools to accurately measure various aspects of roofs. It allows you to perform roofing takeoffs from digital plans or, in some cases, integrates with satellite imagery or aerial photos to automatically generate measurements. Additionally, you can specify roof pitch, angles, and other intricate details to ensure precise calculations.  

Roof Estimating Software

Roofing estimating software streamlines the process of calculating material quantities, costs, and labor requirements for a given project. The software helps you create detailed estimates quickly and accurately from your roofing takeoffs. You can take into account factors like waste, overlaps, and material-specific calculations, ensuring a thorough and reliable assessment of project costs. Furthermore, the software often includes databases of material prices and labor rates, which can be updated regularly to reflect market fluctuations. 

Creating Roofing Proposals

Once the estimate is generated, roofing estimating software enables you to transform it into professional proposals and reports. You can customize these documents with your company logo, branding, and other relevant details to present a polished image to clients. The software typically includes templates for proposals, allowing you to easily input project specifics, scope of work, payment terms, and other relevant information.  

Overall, roofing estimating and takeoff software significantly streamlines the estimation process, improves accuracy, and enhances professionalism in creating proposals, ultimately contributing to more successful and profitable roofing projects. 

Connectivity & Collaboration

Our roofing contractor software platform is cloud-based, allowing users to access and update project information from anywhere with an internet connection. This enhances flexibility and enables real-time collaboration among project stakeholders, including contractors, clients, suppliers, and subcontractors. 


FAQs About Commercial Roofing Estimating & Takeoff Software

Key features typically include digital roof measurement tools, material & databases, customizable material and labor costs, integration with pricing databases, reporting and proposal generation, and compatibility with industry-standard file formats. 

Most commercial roofing takeoff software, including STACK, is designed to handle a wide range of roofing materials and project complexities commonly encountered in commercial roofing, including flat roofs, low-slope roofs, metal roofs, and shingle roofs.  

STACK offers integration with other business software such as accounting software, project management tools, CRM systems, and supplier databases. This integration helps streamline workflows and improve efficiency by reducing manual data entry and facilitating seamless communication between different systems. Learn more about our partners and integrations.  

STACK is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, with just a few clicks between you and your takeoff. We also offer training resources and customer support to help you get started and troubleshoot any issues. 

Costs can vary depending on the number of users/licenses required, and other factors. Learn more about our pricing. 

Roofing contracting businesses of any size can use and benefit from adopting a web-based roofing takeoff and estimating software into their tech stack. If you’re a small business owner, roofing takeoff and estimating software frees up hours of the people on your team so they can spend more time in the field getting the job done.  

If you’re scaling your business or have already grown significantly, roofing preconstruction software can help your team collaborate and communicate better, hone your strategy, and improve your workflows to deliver stronger results and higher profits. 

Our user-friendly roofing takeoff and estimating software allows you to complete your takeoffs easily and quickly, with just a few clicks. Measure from digital plans or use our Aerial Imagery Takeoff function for your starting point. Using pre-built items & assemblies, or your own custom sets of materials, you can get accurate measurements for your roofing projects, which then form the basis of your estimate.  

Our estimating worksheet allows you to adjust for labor, overhead, waste, tax, markup, and more, so you can create a detailed, accurate estimate. From there, generate reports or a professional, branded proposal to send with your bid. 

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