At STACK we are always encouraging you to drop the manual methods. Why work from paper plans when you can have hyper-accurate takeoffs and speed the bid process 10x? Why use a notepad when you can automize the process and track Daily Reports in our app? Yes, you should know by now that it’s imperative to digitize your workflows, but have you ever thought to digitize your jobsite?
A construction jobsite is full of valuable tools, equipment, and smart devices holding sensitive data. Signs and fences are like the manual methods of jobsite protection, but will they truly prevent criminal activity? We’ll guide you through the impact of jobsite theft, what needs protection, and how to keep your jobsite locked up like Fort Knox.
Why Perimeter Fences Aren’t Enough
It’s hard to stop the intentions of a criminal. If they want your skid steer, copper pipes, or iPads, they’re going to climb your perimeter fence and plow it down on their way out. Signs, fences, and lights only do so much. If you aren’t taking steps to protect your jobsite, you run into trust and reputation damage with GCs, owners, and employees.
The Impact of Jobsite Theft
Who’s at fault for being negligent about jobsite security? The average cost of litigation in construction was $37.9 million in 2020. The possibility of legal disputes is real and the financial effects are damaging.