
Fostering Team Buy-In: A Guide for Construction Company CIOs Introducing New Technology


Technology is becoming increasingly integral to success. From project management to safety protocols, innovative tools are reshaping the industry. However, implementing new technology within a construction company can be a daunting task, especially when met with resistance from the team. Introducing new technology often requires organizational change, and CIOs play a key role in leading change management efforts. Research by McKinsey & Company found that 70% of digital transformation initiatives fail due to resistance to change.  

CIOs must focus on building a culture of innovation, fostering collaboration, and providing training and support to help employees adapt to new technologies. Construction CIOs play a crucial role in spearheading these technological advancements, but success hinges on their ability to secure buy-in from their teams. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how construction CIOs can achieve team buy-in for new technology tools. 

1. Engage Early and Often

One of the fundamental principles of successful technology adoption is organizational involvement from the outset. CIOs must engage with their teams early in the process, soliciting feedback, and involving key stakeholders in decision-making. By including frontline workers, project managers, and other relevant personnel in discussions about potential technology implementations, CIOs can address concerns and gather valuable insights that inform the selection and customization of tools. 

2. Highlight Benefits and Address Concerns

Communication is key when introducing new technology. CIOs should clearly articulate the benefits that the new tools will bring to the team and the organization as a whole. Whether it’s improved efficiency, enhanced safety measures, or streamlined collaboration, emphasizing the positive impact can help garner support. Additionally, addressing potential concerns such as job security, training requirements, and workflow disruptions demonstrates empathy and helps alleviate apprehensions. 

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