Career Questions
Tell us your job title, how long you’ve been at STACK, and briefly describe a typical day at work for you.
I’ve been with STACK for nearly two years now working as the UX Manager. My job is basically making sure that all of our STACK apps are easy to use and beautiful.
What do you love about your job that would surprise most people?
Not a surprise, but I love the team and the people I work with. They’re consistently excellent at their job, very friendly, and have so many interesting hobbies and interests outside of work that I love learning about.
What is the best piece of career advice you ever received?
Don’t have an ego. At art school they would publicly hang all our pieces on the wall in order from best to worst, so you learn to detach yourself from your work pretty quickly if you want to stay sane.
Do you have any funny or embarrassing stories related to work (and safe for work)?
I interviewed for STACK after spending a few weeks backpacking in rural Maine and Vermont. I had long curly hair and a decently large beard, which I shaved right before starting. I know there was a second or two of hesitation with my boss right out of the gate if I was the same man who interviewed.
Fun Questions!
We know you’re great – hey, that’s why you work at STACK! Tell us about the great things (in detail) you do outside of work. Hobbies, interests, secret lives…
If I’m not working, I’m usually pretty far away from a screen. I spend a lot of time restoring my old house and older barn, working in my garden, splitting wood, cooking (preferably over the fire), or tending to my bees and other various projects around the house. In the winter months I do a lot of woodworking (I’m building a Dutch-style cheese press right now), leatherworking, (especially for axes and garden tools), and cooking. My friends call my interests very “old-timey.”
I also love to travel and spend a lot of time in my car with three bikes and a kayak strapped on top, hitting as many National and State Parks as I can. I think I was in 13 National Parks just last year.
What’s your favorite local spot and why (restaurant, bar, music venue, whatever you want to share about your hood!)?
I adore the Little Miami River area. I live right off the bike trail, so I’ll hop on near Loveland and head north into town to my favorite record store, Plaid Room Records, grab a bite to eat or hit Narrow Path Brewing or Cartridge Brewing. If I’m headed south there’s a great little restaurant that always has live music called Miamiville Trailyard, and if you keep going south from there you’ll hit Little Miami Brewing (also accessible by Kayak!) and Fifty West Brewing Company. All in, it’s a fun little bike trail and if you feel like biking 40 miles in a day you can easily hit all these spots.
What song have you completely memorized? Will you sing it for us? What about playing it on an instrument? How about a little dance instead?
“Paradise by the Dashboard Light” by Meatloaf. It’s an eight-and-a-half-minute duet and I will absolutely sing both parts. Only over the jukebox though, I’m not a karaoke man.
What makes you truly happy?
Being outside or making things with my hands. Bonus points if what I’m making is for friends/family/other people. Every S