Life Outside of STACK: Mylene Haney, HR & Admin Manager

Life Outside of STACK Mylene

Life Outside of STACK is our feature series that introduces you to some of the faces behind the brand. Today we are featuring Mylene Haney, HR & Admin Manager!

Tell us your position, how long you’ve been at STACK, and briefly describe a typical day at work for you.

I've been with STACK for one month now and my days are filled with a wide variety of tasks. Some are routine, such as announcing birthdays on a Slack channel, answering employee questions, processing Canadian payroll, doing communications, dealing with our suppliers, and doing interviews. Other tasks are more ad hoc and come in the form of projects. I can revise procedures or policies, send gifts to employees, organize cocktails or events, complete compliance documents or statistics, translate documents, and standardize practices or our systems.

What is your team like at STACK?

My team is very small. I'm the only one in Canada, but I work with the lovely Linda Haywood at the front of the Cincinnati office and the knowledgeable Diana Osborne, Sr. HR Director.

Naturally, I have the pleasure of working closely as a team with the skillful Alex Suder in Finance and Dominic Sévigny, who is a reference for everything to do with SmartUse history.

Mylene Haney working

What do you love about your job that would surprise most people? 

I love solving complex problems. The bigger the challenge, the more I like it. Especially if it involves numbers and when I get out of my comfort zone and learn!

What work are you most proud of at STACK?

It's a bit early to be proud of myself, in my opinion. I'm learning with little support and I'm resourceful, but I haven't yet accomplished any projects that stand out.

What is the best piece of career advice you ever received?

Always double-check everything and trust your instincts.

Mylene Haney and family

What’s your process for turning a bad day into a good one? 

Haha! Getting a Nutella jar and a spoon next to me!

We know you’re great – hey, that’s why you work at STACK! Tell us about the great things (in detail) you do outside of work. Hobbies, interests, secret lives…

I'm passionate about just everything! I'm currently doing my Masters in Leadership and Change Management. I plan to use it to coach managers. I'm passionate about teaching, coaching... any form of knowledge transfer. I believe it creates value!

I love economics, the stock market, animals, but especially dogs and horses as they're easily trainable. I've been camping a lot for the last 10 years, train three days a week at the gym, and swim one day a week for 3km.

In my rare spare time, since I have 3 daughters, I enjoy reading, gardening tropical plants, and planning my next getaways.

Mylene Haney's dogs

What’s your favorite local spot and why (restaurant, bar, music venue, whatever you want to share about your hood!)?

I live on Montreal's South Shore and recently discovered a little bistro 20 minutes from my home in Vaudreuil. They have a varied menu, including a vegan portion, and they're located right on the waterfront. I can't wait to go there this summer and enjoy the terrace!

Patate et Persil - Restaurant Cuisine Casse-Croute Vaudreuil-Dorion, Vaudreuil-Dorion (

What song have you completely memorized? Will you sing it for us? What about playing it on an instrument? How about a little dance instead?

“Man! I feel like a woman!” by Shania Twain (Of course!)

Mylene Haney's daughters and dogs

What makes you truly happy? 

A sunny day in the company of my loved ones.

If your life was a movie, what songs would be on the soundtrack? 

I have no idea! I'm not a movie fan.

Mylene Haney's daughter walking with her dogs

What is the most courageous thing you’ve ever done?

I left my job and started my own business nine years ago. It's a soap factory. I didn't know anything about soaps then. It was a great success. Several drugstores distribute my products and I have incredible sales numbers! I sold my business three years ago.

What causes are you passionate about? 

My three daughters and my lover. They are my joy.

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