Reviewing plans on the jobsite no longer means sorting through rolls of paper plans. When you combine STACK’s Field Productivity tools with Volanti’s large touchscreen plan review tables, you’re suddenly light years ahead of traditional methods, and you can take a proactive approach to everything that happens on the job.
Working with Digital Plans in STACK
The benefits of using digital plans over paper cannot be overstated. There are the obvious pros, like saving on printing costs, eliminating time spent waiting for prints, and reducing risk of loss and damage. But those are just the tip of the iceberg.
STACK makes digital plans accessible onsite. The responsive, user-friendly app allows for easy panning, zoom, and markup so you can streamline productivity. Automatic versioning means you never have to worry about working from outdated plan sets again, and you can collaborate in real-time with your team, whether in the office or on the jobsite.
Offline Sync
On jobsites with limited or no connectivity, your crew can capture what they need to in the field on any device with no delays, and simply sync with the rest of the team when access to Wi-Fi is restored.
Side-by-Side Compare
Plans can change frequently depending on the project, owner, and architect. With side-by-side comparison options, it’s easy to see what’s different at a glance, so you can make quick decisions and communicate updates to your team.
Photo Attachments
Field crews can attach photos from the site to any issues or queries, providing immediate clarity into the question or problem, as well as an audit trail of activities.
Intelligent Daily Reports
Field crews can attach photos from the site to any issues or queries, providing immediate clarity into the question or problem, as well as an audit trail of activities.