STACK Hot Key Shortcuts

STACK has a bunch of hot keys to make STACK even faster!  See the list below…

Hot Keys for All Systems (Windows and Mac)

  • Shift – hold and click on two plan thumbnails to select a range of plans on the Overview tab
  • ALT – hold and click on an item in the takeoff list to toggle visibility on/off

Hot Keys for Windows

These hotkeys are available while a plan is open and you are in edit mode:

  • Delete – delete selected figure
  • B – send selected figure to the back
  • CTRL + C – copy the selected figure
  • CTRL + V – enter paste mode
  • Shift – select multiple figures by clicking on each one

These hotkeys are available while a plan is open and you are in takeoff/drawing mode:

  • Backspace – remove last point while drawing
  • Shift – enter or exit line snap mode
  • Esc – exit drawing mode and cancel changes
  • Enter – exit drawing mode and save changes (same as double click)

Hot Keys for Mac

These hotkeys are available while a plan is open and you are in edit mode:

  • Delete (+ Fn, on Mac small keyboard) – delete selected figure
  • B – send selected figure to the back
  • Command + C – copy the selected figure
  • Command + V – enter paste mode
  • Shift – select multiple figures by clicking on each one

These hotkeys are available while a plan is open and you are in takeoff/drawing mode:

  • Delete – remove last point while drawing
  • Shift – enter or exit line snap mode
  • Esc – exit drawing mode and cancel changes
  • Return – exit drawing mode and save changes (same as double click)
STACK Software on multiple devices

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