STACK’s free construction cost estimating software will help you optimize your business. Use our software to:
• Accurately estimate materials, equipment, and labor
• Streamline your bid process to save time
• Leverage an extensive library of pre-built, industry-specific database
Convenient Construction Cost Estimating
Making an accurate construction cost estimate can be difficult and time consuming when working on a large project. A large amount of materials can also complicate the details of an estimate because of all the inputs and formulas involved. Our construction cost estimating software takes the pain out of estimating with our extensive materials and assemblies database plus the ability to import your own custom items and assemblies.
Easy-to-Use Bidding and Estimating Software
Our construction estimating software simplifies the process of creating construction estimates. The process is incredibly easy to accomplish in just a few steps. First, you’ll upload your digital plans into the software. Next, you’ll perform a takeoff by simply clicking around the plans with your mouse to measure your dimensions and/or quantities.
Using the software’s pre-built materials database, you’ll select your materials, items, and assemblies. The software creates your estimate by:
• Determining how much of each material will be needed
• Factoring in labor, equipment and overhead costs
The estimate is completed in an easy to analyze report that outlines the total cost of the project including estimates using our building material estimating software.
For example, consider a painter who will be painting all the walls in a new office building. After performing a takeoff to determine the square footage of the walls, the construction estimating software will calculate the gallons of primer, gallons of each color paint, number of paint brushes and paint rollers, other materials, and number of labor hours that will be required to complete the project, along with the costs associated with each line item. Our material estimating software makes project planning and budgeting easy.